


You will receive a warm welcome to worship at Bluemont. As you walk in the door you’ll be greeted with a handshake and a smile. Our service leans toward the traditional with a lovely blend of old hymns and more contemporary gospel music. We have a great deal of musical talent in the congregation and they often share their gifts in worship. Together we join our voices in liturgy and prayer, we hear the Word proclaimed, and we are sent to be Christ’s hands and feet in the world.



Gathering together as the body of Christ is essential at Bluemont, as is evidenced by our picnic shelter, fire pit, and newly renovated fellowship hall. In addition to casual conversations following worship each week, we engage in many opportunities to build relationships such as; monthly Bible Study with Lunch, Summer Picnics, Marshmallow & Hot dog Roasts, and annual Homecoming celebrations. Come as you are, there is plenty of room for you!



We believe in our calling to serve the least of these and share the Light of Christ to our neighbors near and far. We support local ministries such as Joy Ranch and Presbyterian Home of the Highlands. We have members who are active with Friends of the Parkway and various local boards and organizations. Our members and friends enjoy coming together to accomplish a mission and are always observing and responding to needs in the community.